Tips For Choosing The Best Garden Workshop For You

A garden workshop is a practical space that can be used for a variety of activities such as woodworking or arts and crafts. It avoids the mess and disruption of having to carry them out in the house or garage, and it can simply be a wonderful quiet retreat to spend a few hours working on a project or hobby.

If you are planning to install a garden workshop, here are some of the main points to consider.

How big should the workshop be?

It’s crucial to make sure that the workshop is large enough to accommodate your needs, especially if you are intending to carry out an activity such as furniture making that will require plenty of room for manoeuvre. It can be easy to underestimate the space you will need for the workshop, and it is best to be as generous with the proportions as possible.

Any extra space will soon be likely to be taken up with the storage of tools and equipment, or even for an extra feature such as a sink or chill out zone.

Will you need planning permission?

In most cases, planning permission is not required for a garden building as they will be classified as Permitted Development, but it is always important to check with your local planning office, because there are exceptions to the rule.

If the building is placed less than 2m from the boundary of the property and the maximum overall height exceeds no more than 2.5m above ground level, then planning permission is not required unless the floorspace exceeds 30m2. The garden building should not be closer to a road or highway than the original house.

In addition, the garde building should not take up more than 50% of the land around the original house. If your property is a listed building, or within the boundaries of a National Park, conservation area, an area of outstanding natural beauty or other designated land category, then planning permission may be required.

What features does the workshop need?

The exact features of your workshop will depend on its intended purpose. For example, if you want to make furniture, you will need to have plenty of floorspace and easy access with double doors. You will also need plenty of storage space, possibly with built in shelves for equipment, materials, and tools.

If you want a space to carry out arts and crafts, then good natural light may be your priority, with extra large windows or patio doors. To make sure that the space is suitable for year-round use, it is advisable to have insulation in the walls and floors and double glazing.

A workshop may also benefit from a utility fit out, so that you will have a sink and worktop space with cupboard storage underneath. This will provide a useful area to wash out paint jars and brushes, or just clean yourself up after a long afternoon of knocking a sideboard together!

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