Could A Timber Garden Office Enhance Your Working Life?

The remote working revolution of recent years was predicted by some to be a temporary trend, born of necessity during the coronavirus pandemic. However, according to the Office for National Statistics, 16% of the UK workforce is now solely home based, and 28% split their time between working at home and the office.

However, a recent survey found that 40% of people had worked from home (WFH) during the past seven days, suggesting that it is now a very common practice. This is no surprise when you consider the advantages that WFH has for many people.

Studies have shown that employees who regularly WFH are more likely to have high levels of job satisfaction and are more productive. This is no surprise as there is no rush-hour commute to navigate, saving time, fares or fuel bills, and avoiding the stress that travelling at peak times inevitably brings.

The communal office environment is often not conducive to high productivity. It can be noisy, full of interruptions and distractions, and is frequently either too hot and stuffy or too cold. Bacteria and viruses are easily spread, even when we are not in pandemic level status. This can lead to frequent bouts of illness and more days lost through sickness.

Therefore, working from home is an ideal solution and is perfectly possible for many in the era of advanced communication systems. However, it’s important to have the right office set up to make sure that you are working at your most productive. A lack of space is often the biggest issue, such as working in uncomfortable cramped conditions in the corner of a room.

The home environment can also be full of distractions, and it can be easy for the boundaries between work and home life to become blurred. This can lead to the feeling that you are living at the office rather than working from home, not a situation that even the most dedicated employees would wish for!

One of the best solutions to this dilemma is to have a contemporary garden office installed. This creates a separate space that is dedicated solely to work, providing a physical and psychological boundary between your professional and personal life.

Once you are in the main house you can relax and enjoy your family life or leisure time without the constant reminder of work lurking in the corner, no matter how much you enjoy your job. During work hours, you can concentrate in a secluded environment that is free from the distractions of the bustle of a busy household, or just the temptations of the fridge!

It is possible to customise your garden room to your needs, with optimised natural light, insulation and ventilation to provide a pleasant working environment all year round. Being able to work by a window overlooking your garden can help to reduce stress levels and boost your mood, leading to higher productivity and improved creativity and focus.

A good quality garden cabin is a versatile space that can also be used for other purposes such as an arts and crafts workshop.

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